All online orders are despatched from our Sydney warehouse. Orders placed before midday (Sydney time) are typically despatched same day if you have paid by credit card or have an account. Orders received after this time may not be despatched until the following working day.
Orders are despatched using our preferred carriers only.
For expedited services such as air freight please contact us for pricing and service availability. Generally, this service is available for metropolitan and surrounding areas.
Please contact us for deliveries outside of Australia.
All requests to return product(s) must be within 7 days of the invoice date. Please notify us by e-mail ( of your intention to return your product(s) within this time and we will advise whether it can be returned.
Due to the volume of orders and stock we handle, only returns with Goods Return Authority (GRA) will be accepted for credit. Restocking fees may apply and will be advised at the time of issuing the GRA.
Any returns other than defective goods must be returned in their original packaging, unopened, with no labels, stickers or writing on the product box.
"Special order" items cannot be cancelled or returned.
Please note that some of our suppliers do not accept returns, please contact us prior to ordering to confirm if a part is non-returnable.
We do not offer change of mind returns, if you are not sure of the part you require, please contact us for assistance first.
Any complaint concerning damage, short delivery, loss in transit or defect must be made within 5 working days of the Customer receipt of the invoice for that delivery, or the receipt of the goods, whichever occurs later. If the complaint is not made within that time, the Customer loses any right which the Customer may have had in respect of the complaint.